Season 1, Episode 3 (Jan.8th) — Those Cars Are Insane: Electric cars are about to be all the rage! Beaucoup de sociétés d'automobiles dans le monde fabriquent des voitures électriques, mais celle qui se démarque vraiment est BMW avec sa nouvelle voiture spéciale la i4. This isnt another electric car though; in fact it could be the most exciting of them all!
The i4 is cool mostly because its design better integrates a number of new features and tech into the classic BMW shape so many people like. The car looks fun to drive and it is also really sporty & modern from the outside. Without a doubt, people will take notice when you drive by!
The coolest stuff you will see in the i4 is going to be all within where you sit and have fun while being driven. Best of all is the large central screen located above the center of the dashboard. YOU ALSO GET THIS SCREEN WHICH CONTROLS EVERYTHING IN THE CAR SUCH AS RADIO, NAVIGATION AND EVEN AIR CONDITIONING Sort of like a huge tablet in your dashboard. Pick the tunes you love, or guide your way to where you are going next. A little music is available when riding for a good time and others play too loud can be blocked so that it does not interfere with queueing yet avant-garde traffic flow.
Of course, the vehicle is electric in nature and as such will not consume any of those fossil fules on which other vehicles are still dependant. It doesn't — rather, it has a large battery that gives it the power to drive around all on its own. The i4, however, can hit the road for over 300 miles on a single charge! This is a godsend for long trips, as you will not need to take those pit stops at the gas station or run out of power on the road. It means that the time will make it worth the trip, worry-free journey!
BMW has a reputation to uphold as provider of upmarket cars, and the i4 will be no different. Is it an electric instead of gas guzzling automobile? It thereby means that while you get to move in style, then at the same time are also contributing to a greener environment. It also means less pollution from electric cars like the i4, which is always a good thing when it comes to getting rid of those pesky gas-guzzlers and keeping our air fresh!